Demon Stories
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Welcome To the Library for demon tales and myths created for you!!
Hello! I'm your webmistress, and also your guide for this website!I'd like to thank you for coming to visit this webpage, and can navigate yourself easily around. This is where I will post all the stories that I write, (based on a story I read, I made them all up as part O' the story so.. yeah..)this library is made for others who have nothing else better to do. I am warning you, The stories NEVER get in to lemon details, but there are a lot romantic parts.
Claimer: All the characters, storylines, etc. are my property, and if you take, I sue. E-mail me if you have any questions, or if you'd like to take a story from my page. Thanks, and have fun!!
just for those who want to know:
06/05/2003 I have started this website, and posted a few overveiws of my stories, so check em' out!
06/08/2003 I've added the beginnings of the 'The legendary demon lords of the past' under BOOKS, and I've started working on the pix pages. Lookie! Lookie!
Stories are taking over my life!
If anyone is wondering over that title.. don't worry.. so am I!! just writing what seems true!! now... back to writing, dee, dee, dum, dum, yay!!.. ok, now I'm just scaring myself, run!!

Ideas to know
Just to let'cha know.. for an author.. Im not all that picky. and since I'm who I am, I thought of an idea. If you also love to write stories like I do, you can e-mail me your first three chapters of your story, poetry, art, comments , whatever it is, as long as its NICE. I don't appreiciate rude comments, but if you have ideas, I'll gladly take them. Anything you send to me is officially YOURS. If anyone takes it without your permission, you can sue them yourself if you want. Good luck! My E-mail address is below.

other websites to visit
I only know where one online story site is as of now, but I'm searching for others! So if you find any, please e-mail me, and I put them on my website. If you want the link for that one, its under favorite links. Thanks!

Mystical demons
Did you know demons are not always evil? Some are good to? neat huh? That thought inspired one of my stories, actually this is an index for that story, for those of my friends who have read it.. but thanks!
under 'my stories'
