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A Wolf's Story
Part 1- The adventures begins

Kayla Birke sighed as the ringing bell signaled the end of school. All the students flooded out of the two front doors of the school, and down the stairs. Some were yelling or talking with their friends, while others stayed inside for after school sports.
Kayla pulling her backpack up on her shoulder, was walking out the doors as well. She bumped in to someone, and quickly made a apology.
“No problem, Kayla right?” He replied.
She swung her head up like lightning as she recognized the voice. It was Harvey Atkirs, star athlete on the football team, and one of the cutest guys in school, if not the cutest. She gasped, unable to push words out of her mouth, so she simply nodded, her green eyes never leaving his face. He nodded too, turning his head to the sky thinking. Then, knowing it was rude to stare, Kayla did the same. There was a short silence before Harvey asked her in a choked voice,
“So.. um.. are you.. free this weekend?”
“Huh?!” Was all she could manage , was he, destined prom king, asking her out?!!
“Well.. um..” he continued “I thought it would be cool if you.. um.. and I went to the movies together this weekend. If its alright with you...”
She smiled, this was the happiest day in all her sixteen years of life. She said slowly as to delay the answer to him,

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