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Author's credit!
As you know.. authors are GREATLY underappreiciated. So that is why I created this page. I will set this page up telling you about the authors. Their hobbies, birthdays, story history, favorite things in the world, and dedications. I hope everyone reads this page, and has their own little peice. We have a motto for this corner it's "Finally!! Respect!" doesn't that suit us all well?

Emily Bolan
Hiya! My name is Emily! As barely no one knows.. Im the creator of this page! yep thats me! I've written several books (none published), but I thought.. why not? My favorite food is Cotton candy, and creme soda *yum..*. I love to write stories, and read manga(mostly Inuyasha). I play volleyball, and almost in 9th grade! yeah!! ok.. I think thats about it.. oh. I wrote 'A wolf's heart', and 'Troubles' pair'. My birthday is September 10, 1989, so I better get lots of internet b-day cards, alright? and my dedications go to my family, friends, and all you who read this. Thanks for all the support!

Stephanie Mackres
This is one of my best friends, and my editor! cool huh? She also writes her own stories, only I dont know what they are called yet... Ill have to get her to write in here later.
Well..she got me to write in here! This is Steph. Em's right i do write my own stories but to be honest....they suck! lol! But...if Emily convinces me i might put them in here. Maybe...only maybe. Well...i'm am 13 years of age um.....i have my own website also but it is about my fav anime series not my stories *thank god*...the site is if you want to check it out. I'm not done yet but...oh well. Um.....i have a boyfriend if anyone wants to know...but..EMILY doesn't!!!! UP FOR GRABS!!! JK! Well thats it for me! bye!

If your stories are in here, E-mail me you hobbies, etc. and I'll put'cha in here!

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